Catalase In The Industry
Catalase In the Textile Industry
Hydrogen peroxide has a variety of uses in modern society; the bleaching of textile fibers is among one of the most popular uses. Hydrogen peroxide can be used under a number of conditions to treat and dye synthetic and natural fibers. The traditional method to remove excess hydrogen peroxide was to rinse the fabric with water. Approximately 40 liters of water are required to remove hydrogen peroxide from 1 kilogram of fabric, as a result this process is economically and environmentally demanding. Any remaining hydrogen peroxide can cause discolouration, and subsequent problems in the dying process. Catalase is a safe and environmentally friendly compound that is used to the convert hydrogen peroxide left after the bleaching process into oxygen gas and water. The use of hydrogen peroxide removes pressure from the environment and is also an effective method to remove remaining hydrogen peroxide from textiles.
Catalase In Dairy Processing
Catalase is an enzyme used in the production of dairy products. It provides an alternative method to pasteurization when producing milk and cheese. Pasteurization was the traditional method used to eliminate substances including hydrogen peroxide which compromise the taste of a variety of milk products. However, it involved the use of heat; this was problematic as many other enzymes that enhance final flavor of the product were denatured. As a result, catalase is now used in the production process in order to convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas without affecting the final product. In addition, hydrogen peroxide prevents the growth of bacterial cultures that are beneficial in the cheese production process. Therefore, it is critical that all traces of hydrogen peroxide be removed.
Catalase In the Pharmaceutical Industry
With the use of contact lenses, the lenses become contaminated with germs that are harmful to the eye. For this reason, daily disinfection of contact lenses is necessary to prevent damage to the eye. One common contact lens disinfectant includes hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes and cleans the lens. Since hydrogen peroxide is dangerous to the cells of the body, it must be removed. First contact lenses are placed in a hydrogen peroxide containing solution and then placed into a second container, which contains catalases. The hydrogen peroxide is then broken down into water and oxygen.
Enzymes like catalase are used in the food, textile and pharmaceutical industry because they accelerate the rate of reactions, act on very specific substrates, operate optimally under mild conditions, are economically beneficial, safe, easily controlled and monitored, and are environmentally friendly, can replace harsh chemicals and are biodegradable.
Catalase In the Human Body
Hydrogen peroxide is created through the process of metabolism in the human body. Although it is found in the human body in discrete quantities it can be very harmful. The enzyme catalase converts the resulting hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water.